Sardar Vallabhai Patel - National Unity Day

 No Sardar. No India.

India's geography and its history would have been dangerously different without one man and his extraordinary contribution.

To many in the modern world, the term 'Iron Man' conjures up the image of a fictional superhero possessing superhuman strength and power which are employed to achieve impossible tasks. Here is a glimpse into the journey of the original Iron Man. 

An iron will and nerves of steel earned Sardar the title of Iron Man. The following anecdote, more than any other, throws light on why Patel was honoured with that unusual title. 

In the midst of his arguments in a court in Anand in 1909, Patel received a telegram informing him that his wife was no more. Putting away the telegram in his pocket and taking a few moments to collect himself, Patel continued with the cross-examination of a key witness in the case. It was only after the proceedings of the day were completed that Patel revealed the bitter contents of the telegram to everybody's shock. Patel's client had been accused of a murder charge. He would not allow his own grief to come in the way of his client's life. His client was acquitted in the case. For this, his steely determination he has been referred also as a Volcano in Ice.

Hamara pratham kartavya hai Hindustan ki hifazat, Hindustan ki raksha' said Sardar Patel in this speech given by him on the occassion of Dusshera on 12 October 1947. Stressing upon the need of the hour, Patel spoke about why Indians need to remain united in the hour of reckoning. 

The young nation requires everyone to contribute jointly to build a strong and united India, he said. 

Leaving aside differences and disputes, he implored all Indians to join hands in the interest of the country's progress. 

This timeless message remains relevant even half a century later.

India is. Because Vallabhai Patel was.


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